Google Maps Instructions

Driving Test Routes step-by-step Google Maps Instructions

Google Maps Driving Test Routes

Google Maps iPhone & Android

(Please note these instructions require use of a PC or Mac before opening routes on iPhone or Android).

  1. After purchase you will receive an email with your routes attached in a zip folder. (Please check your junk mail folder if you have not received an email)

  2. Save the zip folder to your computer.

  3. Unzip driving test routes.

  4. Go to

  5. Sign into your Google Account (Create account if you do not have one)


  7. Click ‘Import’

  8. Click button - ‘Select a file from your computer’

  9. Browse to your saved driving test routes files and select a route.

  10. Your routes should now be loaded into Google MY MAPS. Repeat steps 6-10 to load all routes.

  11. Log into your Google account on your iPhone or Android phone.

  12. Open Google Maps

  13. Go to saved maps and select the test route you’d like to view.